Tarek Fatah Dies Battling Cancer, Tarek Fatah Obituary and Funeral

Publish date: 2024-05-09

The Toronto Sun columnist Tarek Fatah passed away at the age of 73, according to his family.

Fatah, a secular Muslim who spent more than a decade penning columns for the Sun, stood out for his scathing assessments of Islam and contempt for nationalists and religious fanatics in Pakistan.

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In his final years, he also took a significant turn to the right, endorsing Donald Trump, spreading Kremlin misinformation over the Ukrainian conflict, and helping the Assad regime in its fight against Syrian rebels. Fatah leaves a mixed legacy, at least in terms of his political career, as do many pundits.

Cancer was the cause of his death, according to Sun colleague Lorrie Goldstein. His daughter Natasha Fatah referred to him as her voice and her love.

Fatah frequently lambasted Pakistan on social media and in his writings. He would ask, in jest but in a caustic way, “How does one country produce so many rectums?” He controversially claimed that Pakistan would disintegrate within a few decades and supported an independent Balochistan, the country’s largest province. The dislike developed as a result of witnessing the coexistence of politics and religion in his native country.

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