Restoring the loi kalo | News, Sports, Jobs

Publish date: 2024-05-08

The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photos

First photo:Aloha ‘Aina members and volunteers clean the lo’i kalo at Kepaniwai Heritage Garden’s Hawaiian hale late last month in Iao Valley. The weekly workday was held in the aftermath of recent botanical vandalism at the section of the gardens dedicated to Native Hawaiian plants. Donated taro huli, or starts, are planted in the lo’i kalo on April 24.

Second photo: UH-Maui student and Aloha ‘Aina member Joseph Pascua carries a handful of muddy weeds to a bucket while helping clean the lo’i kalo at Kepaniwai Heritage Garden’s Hawaiian hale on April 24. “Being part of this organization involves learning about the culture, which is an honor,” Pascua said.

Third photo: Vandalized banana stalks show signs of life Saturday at Kepaniwai Heritage Gardens in Iao Valley.

The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photos

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