Anupama Episode Written Update 25th July 2023: Watch On Disney Plus Hotstar

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Anupama Episode Written Update 25th July 2023: Watch On Disney Plus Hotstar

Anupama is the top-rated television show, boasting impressive TRP ratings. It has garnered a strong and dedicated fan base. In the most recent episode, Samar is seen questioning Dimple about her willingness to accompany him, to which she responds that they’re left with no choice but to accept Malti’s offer, a statement that vexes Samar. Anupama empathizes, suggesting that Samar is highly emotional and that the closure of the dance academy would have dealt him a hard blow. Kinjal remarks that he was familiar with the idea of leaving the dance academy, while Hasmukh voices his belief that Samar’s unrest stems from his inability to provide for his family. Leela insists that the one thing Samar cannot bear is seeing Anupama in distress.

Anupama Episode Written Update 25th July 2023

Dimple successfully persuades Samar to accept the offer, subsequently informing Malti that she and Samar are prepared to take a risk. Malti stipulates that post contract-signing, he will be obligated to work at Gurukul. Anupama tries to reach out to Samar, explaining that desperation can sometimes compel a person to act against their better judgment. She expresses her hope that Samar won’t fall into any trap, but Samar disregards her call. Meanwhile, Anuj contacts Adhik. Leela suggests to Adhik that he should have accompanied Anupama and Anuj, but Anuj assures her that Adhik is determined and focused.

Vanraj praises Adhik for his industriousness, while Anuj adds that if he hadn’t reached out, Adhik probably wouldn’t have shown up. Pakhi dials Anuj, catching Adhik off guard. Meanwhile, Anupama prepares sweets for Kavya, who grows anxious about her figure. Anupama advises her to prioritize the baby instead. Vanraj expresses his frustration, feeling misunderstood by Kavya, who is seated with Mum. Anupama observes Kavya from afar. When Anu inquires about a surprise from Anuj, he chooses to wait until Dimple and Samar arrive. Growing impatient, Leela states she can’t wait any longer. Anuj finally reveals that Pakhi will be joining the Kapadia Empire, leaving Adhik stunned and rushing to relay this news to Brakha.

Anupama proposes a baby shower for Kavya, with the Shahs settling on a theme. Leela discusses fashion-centric themes. Anupama extends her gratitude to Anuj, who hints he was hoping for a deeper connection. Anupama then confesses her love, seeking reassurance about their future, to which Anuj offers comfort. Upon Samar and Dimple’s return, Anupama questions Samar’s disquiet. Dimple reveals that he has signed a contract with Malti, leaving everyone in shock. Samar lashes out at Vanraj, stating he has no desire to emulate him as he constantly has debts to repay. Malti tells Nakul she intends to undermine Anupama’s role as a mother. Meanwhile, Anupama resolves to shield Samar from Malti Devi. Stay connected for more updates.
