Princess Charlotte's Bridesmaid Dress Tailor Finally Breaks Silence About the Meghan and Kate Drama

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Just when you thought you’d never hear about the Princess Charlotte bridesmaid dress story and who made who cry again, the drama of what went on behind the scenes between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton is back in the news. That’s because it’s one of several bombshells in Spare, Prince Harry’s memoir.

Now, Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress tailor is finally breaking his silence about the drama it created between the women.

What happened with Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress?

In his memoir, Harry admitted there was a rift and gave his account of what happened with Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress. He claimed that four days before his wedding, Kate sent Meghan a text message telling her that Princess Charlotte was crying because her dress was “too big, too long, too baggy.”

According to Harry, a tense exchange followed and Meghan told Kate she had a tailor, named Ajay [Mirpuri], standing by at Kensington Palace to make adjustments and for Kate to bring Charlotte there and have the dress altered.

Kate then allegedly let Meghan know that “all the dresses need to be remade.” Meghan responded by repeating that Charlotte should go see Ajay about that, to which Kate is said to have replied: “Fine.”

Harry went on to say that after their exchange, he found Meghan on the floor sobbing and claimed: “I was horrified to see [Meghan] so upset, but I didn’t think it [was] a catastrophe. Emotions were running high, of course…Kate hadn’t meant any harm, I told her.” The prince added that his sister-in-law came by with flowers and a card the next day and apologized.

Why was Kate upset about Charlotte’s dress? Tailor breaks silence on drama

Well now that his name is out there, the dress tailor Ajay Mirpuri is speaking up about all the drama.

“If anything happened in the background, it didn’t happen in front of me,” Mirpuri explained via the Daily Mail. “But yes, weddings are stressful at the best of times — and especially one at this high level; you’ve got to respect that. They were faced with a problem like anyone gets at a wedding, with last-minute hitches.

“I can understand why anybody would be upset if the dresses weren’t fitting — it’s nerve-wracking. I feel for them all because you wouldn’t want the children to go out on a big stage in an ill-fitting dress — and that’s what they were. All six bridesmaids’ dresses had to be fixed, and we did it. I’m a royalist and I wanted to do whatever I could with my small business to serve the royal family.”

Mirpuri continued: “I’ve no idea what measurements Givenchy had received, but with our experience and knowledge we could see straight away that all six bridesmaids’ dresses had to be fixed, as they weren’t going to fit.”

He added that he was disappointed that coverage had focused on the rift between Kate and Meghan, and not “the fact that [the bridesmaids] looked fabulous.”

Meghan previously countered claims that she made Kate cry over Charlotte’s dress

Following the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s royal wedding in 2018, reports surfaced that Meghan made Kate cry over something pertaining to Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid dress. But during her 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey, the former Suits star said it was the other way around: Kate made her cry.

“A few days before the wedding, [Kate] was upset about something … and it made me cry and it really hurt my feelings,” Meghan told Oprah.

The infamous dress story was reported by royal expert and Telegraph associate editor Camilla Tominey. After Meghan offered her version of what happened, Tominey stood by her original story. She insisted that two royal insiders gave her the information she reported which was that Kate was the one crying, not Meghan.

Months later, royal biographer Tom Bower wrote about the incident in his book Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors. He alleged that Meghan would not allow the then-3-year-old princess’s hemline to be changed and refused to let Charlotte wear tights, a decision that left Kate in tears.
