How Old Was Aunt May In The MCU?

Publish date: 2024-05-05

The MCU has the youngest version of Spider-Man's Aunt May so far, played by Marisa Tomei, so how old is she in this universe?

Warning: spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of Spider-Man had to have his own Aunt May, who was the youngest and most different version of the character so far, but how old was the MCU's Aunt May? After some issues regarding the rights to the character, Spider-Man was finally able to join the MCU starting in Captain America: Civil War, and of course, with him came other well-known characters from the comics that have also been part of his past adventures, as is Aunt May, the always supportive mother-figure of young Peter Parker.

Aunt May has become one of the most memorable and important characters in Spider-Man’s comic book history, and as such, she has accompanied her superhero nephew in all his big-screen adventures so far. Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy had Rosemary Harris as Aunt May, Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man movies saw Sally Field playing this role, and when Marisa Tomei was cast as the MCU’s Aunt May, fans couldn’t help to point out (and, of course, make memes about it) that Aunt May got younger and younger with each adaptation of Spider-Man. The MCU’s Aunt May, then, is the youngest version of the character so far, and now that she’s gone, fans have been wondering how old she was.

Like previous versions of the character, the MCU’s Aunt May was the widow of Uncle Ben (who has never appeared in this universe, not even in photos), and she was very supportive of Peter in all aspects. Unlike previous versions, this Aunt May learned about Peter’s Spider-Man identity at the end of the first movie and continued to help and support him through his heroic deeds. Unfortunately, Spider-Man: No Way Home saw Aunt May’s death when she was injured by the Green Goblin's glider, and she died with Peter by her side. Now, the MCU’s Spider-Man movies never revealed nor hinted at Aunt May’s age, but an approximation can be calculated based on Tomei’s age.

Marisa Tomei was 52 years old when she made her MCU debut in Captain America: Civil War, and it’s a fitting age with the character as she was the mother-figure of Peter. Aunt May’s age in the first Spider-Man movie, then, was 53, but things get a bit confusing after that. Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War vanished half of life in the universe for five years, so by the time all those who disappeared as a result of “the blip” returned, it was already 2023. Spider-Man: Far From Home is set during the summer of 2024, so Aunt May would have technically been 60 years old – however, as she was “blipped”, she was still 54. Spider-Man: No Way Home begins minutes after the ending of Far From Home, so Aunt May was 54 years old when she passed away.

Of course, it wouldn’t be surprising if the MCU’s Aunt May was younger than Marisa Tomei as actors are often cast in roles that are younger, but it’s unlikely that Marvel will ever reveal how old Aunt May was throughout her time in the MCU. Aunt May’s death in Spider-Man: No Way Home will surely continue to be a topic of debate among MCU fans, and Tomei’s version will go down in Spider-Man history as the youngest one (so far) and the one with the saddest ending.

Next: No Way Home Completes Marvel's Unforgivable Aunt May Insult
