Here's How Jason Biggs And Jenny Mollen Met

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Back in 2012, Jason Biggs spoke to Elle about how he and wife Jenny Mollen met. Although they had starred together in My Best Friend's Girl, they didn't exactly meet on the film — a friend set them up on a blind date in 2008, and at first, according to what Biggs said, Mollen was turned off by his American Pie fame.

He recalled, "She hadn't seen the movies. She knew who I was, but she hadn't seen them. The truth is, it was a turnoff for her. She was like, 'Jason Biggs? He's going to be an annoying little douche.' Well, I'm not that guy. I was charming, and we hit it off." They stayed late at the bar talking after their date — "I remember how open she was. Two hours in we were comparing Zoloft prescriptions," Biggs said — and six months later they eloped.

They've been together ever since, for better or for worse. They had their first son, Sid, in 2013, and his little brother Lazlo in 2017. Mollen wrote an essay for Cosmo in 2014 saying that earlier on in their courtship they had an unexpected pregnancy and a miscarriage three months in, before they were married, but remained stronger because of it. "The events bonded us in such a way that I knew we were meant to be forever," she wrote. 
