Jingle boobs: Model made famous by dancing breasts viral now has her chest dancing to Christmas tune

Publish date: 2024-05-03
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YOU'VE heard of Jingle Bells, well this is Jingle BOOBS!

Sara X Mills, a tattooed 36DD model from Virginia who nows lives in Las Vegas, made a name for herself on the internet by twerking her boobs to Mozart.

Moving her breasts individually and simultaneously to the sound of Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik, she racked up an amazing seven million hits in just three days.

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And now the blonde - who admits she "is pretty weird and never takes herself seriously" – is back with a festive follow-up to prove that she's the best bra none for viral videos.

Sexy Sara, 27, first removes a fur coat before bobbing her bosoms in time to the Christmas carol singers' classic.

Sporting just a bikini and a Father Christmas hat, she clocks up a minute of busty beat-matching bounces before finishing with a bell-accompanied flourish and heading off with a pile of presents.

Sara, who has clocked up over 100,000 likes on Facebook, say the secret to her malleable mammaries is her previous job as a pole-dancer.

She said: "It sort of naturally happens, I was a dancer, that's actually why I had implants.

"I had really strong pectoral muscles from doing pole dancing and once I got the implants and would do the flexing I used to do it meant I could move these giant implants."
