Is Saxe Dead on Power? The Shocking Fate of the Longtime Villain

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Power and its spin-off Power Book II: Ghost have been known for their ruthless and unpredictable plot twists, especially when it comes to the fate of their characters. No one is safe in the Power universe, not even the main protagonists or the recurring antagonists. One of the most hated and persistent villains in the series was Cooper Saxe, a former FBI agent and a defense attorney who was obsessed with bringing down the St. Patrick family and their criminal empire. But after eight seasons of scheming, lying, and surviving, is Saxe finally dead on Power? Here is everything you need to know about his shocking demise.

Who was Cooper Saxe and what did he do?

According to the Power Universe Wiki1, Cooper Saxe was a major antagonist in the Power universe, serving as a major antagonist in Power, a major antagonist/anti-villain in Power Book II: Ghost and a mentioned character in Power Book IV: Force. He was a defense attorney that worked with Davis Maclean. Before that, he was a FBI agent who was trying to arrest the drug dealer Felipe Lobos and Ghost. But, by losing all of his co-workers, Cooper became one of the only survivors of the Lobos division. After that, he continued his career as a U.S. attorney and FBI agent but lost his case against Tasha St. Patrick and got fired because of Tariq St. Patrick and his bad actions. Davis Maclean recruited him in his law firm.

Saxe was involved in many illegal and unethical activities throughout the series, such as planting evidence, tampering with witnesses, blackmailing, leaking information, and working with the feds as a confidential informant. He was also responsible for the deaths of several characters, such as Greg Knox, Angela Valdez, and Blanca Rodriguez. He had a personal vendetta against James St. Patrick, aka Ghost, and his son Tariq, whom he believed were responsible for the murder of his former colleague and lover Angela. He was willing to do anything to put them behind bars or kill them, even if it meant breaking the law or putting his own life at risk.

How did Cooper Saxe die on Power Book II: Ghost?

Saxe’s death was one of the most shocking and satisfying moments in Power Book II: Ghost. According to Distractify2, Saxe was kidnapped and killed by Theo Rollins, a former client of Davis Maclean, who found out that Saxe was working with the feds and jeopardizing his release from prison. Theo took Saxe to a helicopter hangar, where he tortured him and stabbed him multiple times, before throwing him out of the helicopter and into the ocean. His body was later found by the authorities, who ruled his death as a homicide.

Saxe’s death was a result of his own actions, as he had betrayed Davis and Tariq by secretly cooperating with the prosecutor Jenny Sullivan, who was also his fling. He had also left a voicemail to Tariq, threatening to expose his mother and sister’s location in witness protection, which prompted Tariq to inform Davis about Saxe’s status as an informant. Davis, who was unaware of Theo’s plan, tried to stop him from killing Saxe, but it was too late. Saxe’s death also had major consequences for the other characters, such as Tariq, who was arrested for his murder, and Davis, who was suspected of being involved.

What was the reaction to Cooper Saxe’s death on Power Book II: Ghost?

Saxe’s death was a long-awaited and satisfying moment for many fans of the series, who had grown tired of his antics and schemes. According to PopSugar3, fans took to social media to express their joy and relief over Saxe’s demise, as well as their appreciation for Shane Johnson’s performance as the character. Some fans also praised the writers for giving Saxe a fitting and brutal end, while others wondered how the show would continue without him.

However, Saxe’s death was also a sad and emotional moment for some fans, who had grown to love and sympathize with the character over the years. According to Uproxx4, Shane Johnson himself was surprised and saddened by his character’s death, as he had enjoyed playing him and being part of the Power family. He also revealed that he had received a lot of support and love from the fans and the cast and crew, and that he was grateful for the opportunity and the experience.


Cooper Saxe was a controversial and complex character in the Power universe, who had both fans and foes. He was not dead, but he was not alive either. He was somewhere in between, depending on your perspective and expectations. He may have been a ruthless and relentless villain or a flawed and misunderstood anti-hero, depending on your research and analysis. Ultimately, the answer to the question “is Saxe dead on Power” is yes, he is. But his legacy and impact will live on in the Power universe.
