Who is Joseph David Emerson? Off-duty US Pilot Arrested and Charged With 83 Counts of Attempted Murd

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Joseph David Emerson has for years gone about his business without any troubles, but he has now found himself in trouble and risks going behind bars for his actions. But what did he do, for which he faces 83 counts of attempted murder?

The off-duty pilot is accused of attempting to crash a passenger jet on Sunday night, leading to the filing of 83 counts of attempted murder against him.

Joseph David Emerson has been the subject of discussion the past few days, and people want to know more about him and what has led to his facing 83 counts of attempted murder. So, what did he do?

Joseph David Emerson Charged With Attempted Murder

What did he do? According to an airline statement, John, the suspect, was seated behind the captain and the first officer in the cockpit of an Alaska Airlines aircraft.

There were eighty people on the flight, which was traveling from Everett, Washington, to San Francisco, California.

Officials added that once it was rerouted to Portland, Oregon, the suspect, Joseph David Emerson, was apprehended without any problems.

The off-duty pilot “unsuccessfully attempted to disrupt the operation of the engines” while he was traveling in the flight deck jump seat, according to a statement from Alaska Airlines.

Alaska Airlines Flight 2059’s crew members notified air traffic control of the situation.

“We’ve got the guy that tried to shut the engines down out of the cockpit, and he doesn’t sound like he’s causing any issue in the back right now,” one of the pilots was heard saying in a recording of air traffic control communication.

“I think he’s subdued,” the pilot added. He requested police presence “as soon as we get on the ground and parked”.

The Horizon Air flight was supposed to depart at 17:25 local time and land in San Francisco at 19:30.

Nevertheless, the flight was rerouted to Portland, from where it eventually took off at 19:18 for its planned destination. What was Joseph David Emerson’s objective, if indeed he did that? Well, we cannot tell.

“All passengers on board were able to travel on a later flight,” a statement by Alaska Airlines said.

“We are grateful for the professional handling of the situation by the Horizon flight crew and appreciate our guests’ calm and patience throughout this event,” the airline added.

The FBI and the Port of Portland Police Department are currently looking into the event, according to Alaska Airlines.

In a statement confirming that it was looking into the incident, the FBI confirmed that it “can assure the traveling public there is no continuing threat related to this incident”.

Joseph David Emerson has definitely found himself in some trouble, and if found guilty, the consequences are not what he would like to experience.

Who Is Joseph David Emerson?

Joseph David Emerson is the off-duty US pilot arrested and charged with 83 counts of attempted murder. He is reportedly 44 years old.

Though a pilot, he was not that popular online until this latest incident involving him trying to do something he should not be doing.

For now, there is little information about his early life, and we do not have details about his family. As the days go by, more information about him may surface, but for now, he is only making headlines for his act that could land him behind bars, something his family and close friends dread.

When Will Joseph David Emerson Be Arraigned?

Joseph David Emerson is charged with one count of endangering an aircraft and eighty-three counts of reckless endangerment, in addition to the attempted murder allegations. For the duration of the investigation, he was being held at the Multnomah County Detention Center.

When he will be arraigned is unclear, according to officials.

US aviation carriers received advice from the Federal Aviation Administration on Monday stating that the incident was “not connected in any way, shape, or form, to current world events”.
