Royal Insiders Describe the Family Tension Post-'Spare' as "Ghastly"

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Royal fans are in a strange state of limbo at the moment: Post-Spare, pre-coronation, and swimming in an ocean of family drama. In a new cover story, People dove deep into how the royals are handling the fallout following Prince Harry's memoir and the accompanying Netflix docu-series, Harry & Meghan. With courtiers, experts, and insiders giving glimpses into the tension behind the gates of Buckingham Palace, it's pretty obvious that things are not well. 

"This is all so ghastly," a source close to the family explained of the tension at the palace. "Although there is sorrow because the Queen has died, the coronation should be a joyful moment, too, because Charles will be crowned. But this is a massive shadow."

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Another insider explained why the royals didn't offer any sort of official statement to the public post-Spare, saying that anything they said would have just confirmed some or all of Harry's claims. Instead, they just adopted their usual M.O. The royals kept calm and carried on.

"They didn't want to fan the flames of the rift and the dispute," royal correspondent Valentine Low added. "They know that anything said in a statement or a briefing would prolong it. They wanted it to calm down as soon as possible. The longer it goes on, the less hope there is for reconciliation."

Additional insiders say that there are efforts being made to have things smoothed over before King Charles's coronation. One source said that William is taking things the hardest. 

"William is the one who is most upset and needs time to calm down," a source close to the royal household said. Harry previously said that he's leaving it up to his family to make amends. He told host Tom Bradby, "There's a lot that can happen between now and then. But, you know, the door is always open. The ball is in their court. There's a lot to be discussed, and I really hope that they are willing to sit down and talk about it."

Unfortunately for him and Meghan, it may never happen.

"The problem is that [the Sussexes] want a capitulation and apology by the palace, but when 'recollections vary,' that's quite difficult," a source added. They continued, saying, "It is such a momentous occasion for Charles, and he would want his son to be at the coronation to witness it."
