Nothing Makes Me More Nauseous- Days After Ruining Ryder Cup, Derek Jeters30-sec Appearanc

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Derek Jeter has still not made it home. The former New York Yankees player is back with his beloved baseball as an analyst. Reporting for FOX Sports, the ex-slugger has reunited with former teammate Alex Rodriguez for the postseason. While the current Yankees didn’t make it to October, fans are glad to see someone in pinstripes. But it’s not all sunshine and roses for Captain Clutch.

During his active years, Jeter was considered one of the most marketable faces in the league. His talent on the diamond already made him beloved to the Bronx. But commercials and sponsorships featuring the Captain’s face made him even more popular. However, the trend has apparently failed to translate to post-retirement advertisements.

Just Like the Ryder Cup, Derek Jeter and Jeep Ruined the Postseason

A few weeks ago, team USA suffered one humiliating defeat after another at the Ryder Cup. Despite boasting talent, they had to bow down to Europe’s supremacy. The salt on the wound was, surprisingly, Derek Jeter. The retired baseballer has not stopped filming commercials because his fan value is as high as ever. The latest one has to do with his vehicular choices.

Nothing makes me more nauseous than Derek Jeter’s Grand Wagoneer commercial. $100k Jeep? Gtfoh

— Saint Douglas (@DougWoodlands) October 8, 2023

Father of four, Jeter first partnered up with Jeep in 2022, then a parent to three daughters. The Grand Wagoneer, given its huge space, was a perfect fit for the family. Announcing the birth of his son in May, the family expanded even more, so a bigger car was in order. A few weeks ago, the former shortstop announced another collab with the car brand, this time for the Grand Wagoneer L.

To promote it, Jeter drives all night through bad weather to his family, depicting the car’s durability, among other features. It’s a sweet concept but when the video was shown over and over again during the Ryder Cup, fans were frustrated. The same is now happening in the ongoing MLB postseason, and fans are more than fed up. Most have strong feelings and will not be contained.

MLB Fans Cannot Believe Jeter Drives a Jeep

While car preferences are personal to everyone, they’re still worth being made fun of, if fans are to be believed. Taking to social media to express their disbelief, many could not get over the fact that Jeter drove a Jeep.

WATCH THIS STORY – From Alex ‘A-Rod’ Rodriguez to Derek Jeter: Here Are the Top 5 Richest MLB Players of All Time

One simply laughed over it.

Am I really supposed to believe Jeter drives a Jeep Grand Wagoneer? Lmfao

— Lion (@Champ_Lion) October 7, 2023

Another was incredulous.

What was that Derek Jeter jeep ad lmao

— Nolan TEXAS 5-1 🥲🤘🤘🤘 (@theGiantshurtme) October 8, 2023

One ridiculed the fact that the car would not be budget-friendly for everyone.

Is this Jeep Grand Wagoneer commercial series with Derek Jeter supposed to drum up emotions and connection with consumers by trying to get people to relate to a multi millionaire struggles while driving a $100,000 car? Cause if so, it isn’t working.

— Kane Miller (@kanemiller77) October 10, 2023

One resorted to expletives.

Good lord that Jeter Jeep commercial. Fuck off

— Jo (@bigbeardoinstuf) October 10, 2023

But most could not reconcile the retired MLB star with a Jeep.

Here’s to hoping that the rest of the postseason goes better than this and fans are able to appreciate their Captain once again.
