El Crimen de Culiacan | Chalino Sanchez/Los Amables del Norte Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Publish date: 2024-05-02

El Crimen de Culiacan
Chalino Sanchez/Los Amables del Norte Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Les cantaré este corrido, a dos hombres que mataron
Sin tenerles compasión, bílmente los torturaron
Y ya muertos con un carro por encima les pasaron

En la colonia el palmito, la ciudad fue culiacán
Andaban francisco lópez también francisco beltrán
Ellos no se imaginaban que los iban a matar

Francisco lópez tenía unas cuentas atrasadas
Había matado derecho a quien le robó su amada
Pero francisco beltrán no tenía culpa de nada

Otro día los encontraron, al amanecer el día,
Tenían las tripas de fuera y un perro se las comía
Unos momentos después llegaba la policía

Con la banda sinaloense los fueron a sepultar y dos madrecitas lloran
Sin poderse consolar, con sus hijos adorados que ahorita en el cielo están

Ya con ésta me despido, y les digo en mi cantar

Que las malas compañías, nada bueno han de dejar
Lo digo por el corrido, no se les vaya a olvidar

Overall Meaning

The song El Crimen De Culiacan tells the story of two men, Francisco López and Francisco Beltrán, who were brutally killed and tortured without any mercy. They were found dead with a car passing over them. The incident took place in the Palmito neighborhood of the city of Culiacán. The two Francisco's had no idea that they were going to be killed.

Francisco López had some unfinished business with someone who had stolen his lover, and he had killed that person. However, Francisco Beltrán had no connection to that murder. The two friends were found disemboweled, with their guts spread out on the ground and being eaten by a dog. The police arrived later and took their bodies away, and they were buried with a Sinaloense music band. The song ends by warning the audience to stay away from bad company, as it can only lead to terrible outcomes.

Line by Line Meaning

Les cantaré este corrido, a dos hombres que mataron,
I will sing you this story, of two men who killed.

Sin tenerles compasión, bílmente los torturaron
Without a shred of remorse, they cruelly tortured them.

Y ya muertos con un carro por encima les pasaron
And once they were dead, they ran over them with a car.

En la colonia el palmito, la ciudad fue culiacán,
In the neighborhood of El Palmito, in the city of Culiacán,

Andaban francisco lópez también francisco beltrán,
Francisco Lopez and Francisco Beltran were out and about,

Ellos no se imaginaban que los iban a matar
Unbeknownst to them, they were about to be killed.

Francisco López tenía unas cuentas atrasadas,
Francisco Lopez had some debts to repay,

Había matado derecho a quien le robó su amada,
He killed the man who stole his beloved,

Pero francisco beltrán no tenía culpa de nada
But Francisco Beltran was innocent in all of this.

Otro día los encontraron, al amanecer el día,
The following day they were found, at dawn,

Tenían las tripas de fuera y un perro se las comía,
Their guts were spilled out and a dog was eating them,

Unos momentos después llegaba la policía
Shortly after, the police arrived.

Con la banda sinaloense los fueron a sepultar y dos madrecitas lloran,
They were buried with a Sinaloan band playing and two mothers weeping,

Sin poderse consolar, con sus hijos adorados que ahorita en el cielo están
Unable to console themselves, with their beloved sons now in heaven.

Ya con ésta me despido, y les digo en mi cantar,
And with this song, I bid you farewell,

Que las malas compañías, nada bueno han de dejar,
Remember, bad company seldom leads to good outcomes,

Lo digo por el corrido, no se les vaya a olvidar
I say this through this song, so you won't forget.


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